Extracting Non-traditional Features to Predict Readability
Extracting Non-traditional Features to Predict Readability
Project Motivation
The success of a supervised learning task like predicting readability comes primarily from the development of a strong set of features. There are many common features used to predict readability that were not necessarily designed for supervised learning, and do not map well to our dataset (e.g. Flesch–Kincaid). Due to the highly specialized and complex nature of medical abstracts, our approach required the development of features more custom to the problem and more fine-grained in discriminating between various levels of difficulty. In the feature selection we relied on a research paper titled “A Comparison of Features for Automatic Readability Assessment” [1], as well as adjusting the features mentioned below to match the medical nature of the excerpts.
[1] Lijun Feng, Martin Jansche, Matt Huenerfauth, Noemie Elhadad, “A Comparison of Features for Automatic Readability Assessment”, Coling 2010: Poster Volume, pages 276–284, Beijing, August 2010